Job Overview
Job Description
工作地点:马来西亚 吉隆坡
薪资待遇:月薪RMB 25-40k
- 基于公司风控、反欺诈等产品,为企业级客户提供IT咨询及解决方案服务,并根据行业特征和规律,协助销售提供售前咨询;
- 提供项目售前支持和技术支持,包括业务咨询、方案规划与讲解、产品演示、标书制作,并指导销售工作;
- 制作和培训产品销售工具,包括行业解决方案、演示材料、客户案例、竞品分析等;
- 培训销售人员的售前产品知识、行业知识以及演示技能;
- 协助实施部门完成客户需求确认、系统实施和项目验收等工作;
- 组织协调POC项目,控制测试进度与测试质量,支持POC总结汇报;
- 协助市场推广活动的策划和执行,制定区域市场拓展策略;
- 向产品部门反馈客户产品改进需求,提升产品市场占有率。
- Base海外,可接受长时间出差者优先;
- 英文可以作为工作语言;
- 本科及以上学历,具有完善的知识框架和系统思维,熟悉风控、大数据、机器学习、数据挖掘、AI、建模等相关技术;
- 3年以上方案或咨询工作经验,有信贷风险、反欺诈风险、大数据安全工作经验者优先考虑;
- 具有较强的方案售前专业性,了解金融科技风控行业的发展动态和趋势,有金融科技领域经验者优先;
- 良好的沟通能力和方案撰写能力,善于总结与分析,能够解决客户在产品使用过程中遇到的问题;
- 积极乐观、沟通能力强,具备很强的学习能力,具有跨部门沟通能力和团队协作能力,具备丰富的售前咨询和投标经验。
同盾科技是国内领先的人工智能科技公司,专注于决策智能先进技术的研发和应用,致力于帮助政企客户防范风险,提高决策效率。多年来,同盾科技坚持自主科技创新,多项算法和软件系统达到世界领先水平,形成了“基于隐私计算的共享智能平台——智邦”和“基于人工智能的决策智能平台——智策”两大平台,公司专注于金融风险的三大场景, 安全风险和政府治理风险,帮助政企客户在与客户共同成长的同时,实现更大的社会价值和商业价值。
同盾科技总部位于浙江省杭州市,在北京、上海、深圳、广州、成都、香港、新加坡、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、阿联酋等地设立了分支机构,覆盖全球10多个国家和地区,为22大行业、118个细分场景的10000多家客户提供领先、独具特色的决策智能解决方案。自成立以来,同盾科技得到了多家央企和顶级资本的高度认可,获得了总计数亿美元的多轮融资。同时,同盾科技也持续得到政府、公众和行业的认可,入选科技部“国家新一代人工智能开放创新平台”、国家科技创新2030“新一代人工智能”重大项目研究组、 并入选中国人民银行金融科技创新监管试点(广州、杭州、雄安、重庆),并被评为工信部国家中小企业公共服务示范平台、中央网信办人工智能企业典型应用案例。浙江省科技厅科技小巨人、浙江省商业秘密保护基地示范点。
地点: 马来西亚吉隆坡
Salary: RMB 25-40k per month
Job Responsibilities
- Based on the company's risk control, anti-fraud and other products, provide IT consulting and solution services for enterprise-level customers, and assist sales to provide pre-sales consultation according to industry characteristics and rules;
- Provide pre-sales support and technical support for the project, including business consulting, program planning and explanation, product demonstration, bidding document production, and guide sales work;
- Make and train product sales tools, including industry solutions, demonstration materials, customer cases, competitive product analysis, etc.;
- Train sales staff in pre-sales product knowledge, industry knowledge and demonstration skills;
- Assist the implementation department to complete the confirmation of customer needs, system implementation and project acceptance;
- Organize and coordinate POC projects, control test progress and test quality, and support POC summary and reporting; 7. Assist in the planning and implementation of marketing activities, and formulate regional market expansion strategies;
- Feedback customer product improvement needs to the product department to increase product market share.
Job Requirements
- Base overseas, those who can accept long-term business trips are preferred;
- English can be used as a working language;
- Bachelor degree or above, with a sound knowledge framework and system thinking, familiar with risk control, big data, machine learning, data mining, AI, modeling and other related technologies;
- More than 3 years of experience in program or consulting, working experience in credit risk, anti-fraud risk, and big data security is preferred;
- Have strong pre-sales professionalism of the program, understand the development trends and trends of the financial technology risk control industry, and experience in the field of financial technology is preferred;
- Good communication skills and program writing skills, good at summarizing and analyzing, and able to solve problems encountered by customers in the process of using products;
- Positive and optimistic, strong communication skills, strong learning ability, cross-departmental communication skills and teamwork skills, and rich experience in pre-sales consulting and bidding;